Circles Reno County


Circles Reno County is a community initiative to assist families with limited resources and empower them to better their circumstances. We call it an initiative because this is a long-term solution to a long-term problem. It will take time and resources to create transformational change in our community. This change will be profound and lasting—and worth all the efforts and resources spent. This program was developed by a group of local individuals who spearheaded this effort many years ago. Members from Trinity United Methodist Church attended a Kansas Leadership Center workshop and returned ​​to Hutchinson energized and determined to transform our community.

After months of research and planning, this group invited key members of several non-profit agencies and organizations to join our work. From that, Circles was born. At Circles, we build caring, supportive relationships with Circle Leaders. We do this using a concept called "the matched circle," which is where Circle Leaders set and achieve goals on the journey toward their future story.

We also provide resource-based support through Circles Resource Teams. Each of the five teams is comprised of community volunteers who offer their time and talents by providing connections to area resources the Circle Leaders need to reach financial stability.


Representatives from Circles Reno County are out in the community actively promoting this initiative and inviting participation in various ways. You may have heard about our group through civic groups, your church, social media, or people you know.

​Circles offers many volunteer opportunities. You can become an Ally, sponsor a Circle Leader through the 14-week training course, gather your civic group and prepare one of the weekly meals, or make a monetary donation. Contact Sarah Haworth, Executive Director, with questions.

The Circles Reno County Team


Sarah Haworth

Executive Director

Sarah is the Executive Director of Circles Reno County, guiding our Circle Leaders and Allies on their journeys.

Since joining Circles in 2016 as a Circle Leader emerging from homelessness, Sarah has become a proud homeowner and has been free from poverty for several years.


Marla Mckee

Donor Development

In the dedicated donor development and fundraising role, Marla Mckee focuses her energies on creating a sustainable financial future for Circles Reno in our community.


Anthony Frischenmeyer

Class Facilitator

Anthony guides our Circle Leaders through the first step of their journey out of poverty. As our class facilitator, he introduces students to the tools they’ll need to thrive. Anthony is also a staff member who started his journey as a Circle Leader, bringing his growth full circle.